Jim Huntington
Jim Huntington was born in Elkhart, IN, in 1941, has lived in L.A., Boston, San Francisco, and NYC.
Huntington started working in stone in the mid-1970s when he was in NYC. The first stone sculptures were Pennsylvania Bluestone combined with carbon steel or Corten steel, or stainless steel.
In 1978, he started working in granite and had continued to use granite almost exclusively. There have been occasional forays into the wood as a material and cast bronze and copper.
In 1994, he moved from NYC to Coupland, TX. In 2000, he set up the sculpture garden and studio in its present location at the corner of Hoxie & Broad Sts.
Major works by the sculptor are in the permanent collections of Stormking Art Center in Mountain Ville, N.Y., Grounds for Sculpture in Hamilton, N.J., and Kansai Gaidai University, in Osaka, Japan, as well as many private collections.
Wells Mason shot this photo in his ongoing series of portraits of artists.

Information for the Public
The Huntington Sculpture Foundation is a 501 C 3 non-profit. The sculpture garden is available to the public 365 days a year, and the studio is open on most days and can be open by appointment.
There is no admission; however, tax-deductible donations in any amount are gratefully accepted.